Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New Event coming

Thank you for your wonderful feedback.

Such is the overwhelming response that I can't leave you to wait for another year before we do something else, so...let's do something new!

We're thinking 2 classes with a kit -

Class 1 - Happiness Is Album
Make a 15x15cm wooden off the page album using a happy red, blue and green theme using paint, paper, card, flowers, buttons, brads, etc (all supplied in your kit). A handout includes details of the project to guide you.

Class 2 – Butterfly Layout
Create a 12”x12” layout using paper, card, flowers, brads, (all supplied in your kit) and a range of techniques to inspire your imagination. The kit includes a handout with a layout sketch and a picture of the project to guide you.

A light lunch is included in the price of the day including tea and coffee plus a share & unwind session after the classes.

The ticket price will include your kit, class, teaching, food and tea & coffee. The day will most likely run from 10am to 4pm and be held in September.

More details as I work it out...

Sound good??

Happy creating,
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