Saturday, November 7, 2009

Christmas decision time

Right! Christmas isn't far away. No whinging or whining. I have a few suggestions...

If you hate the mad noisy rush in December (I hate it), avoid it as much as possible by shopping all year for gifts. How?

Step 1 - Ok, have a list of who you want to buy for and their likes, hobbies, etc and as you shop during the year BE A HUNTER. If you see something that suits someone on the list buy it then and there. Tick them off the list.

Step 2 - Make full use of shopping catalogues to search for bargains and gifts. Map out your shopping like a mission (almost impossible, but NOT) so you don't have to backtrack.

Step 3 - Stop for food and drinks. You need them & it will make you less grumpy.


1. Spreading out your shopping means it costs less in December and less credit use.

2. Make full use of internet searches, magazine subscriptions, Ebay & gift vouchers especially for cranky teens and grumpy old men.

3. If you are a scrapper or cardie you may want to make a special gift for someone, but can't find the time. Join a class or go to a crop to get the time. You deserve it.

4. The BEST idea I ever received was to start a Christmas savings account. It's fab. I can't access it until November so it covers things I have to get at the last month and any leftover money goes to the January sales to get Christmas cards and wrap for next year.

More ideas to come,
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