Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Too hot to handle!

It may have come to your notice that summer has arrived? Some love it, some hate it.

I'm not fond of the heat. I like cool weather best. Give me May & September for perfect days & cool nights.

It influences where we go for holidays. Some love a tropical beach, with warm sultry breezes...

I like a holiday to see or do something - out in nature, cultural or something like that. As long as it's not too hot! That's me at Miami beach. camera in hand. Nice photo Lindy. Thanks.

This leads me to ideas for scrapbooking pages -

1. Where do you normally spend y0ur holidays? At Christmas? At Easter?
2. What is your dream destination for holidays? And why?

3. What does summer mean to you? (swimming, b-b-ques, hibiscus or conditioning, melted make up, sunburn)
4. If you could like anywhere in the world, where would you live?

Got some summer photos that need a focus?? Think beyond the square to give it a twist!

Happy hot Tuesday all,

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