Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Goodbye Newmarket

Had a great time at my girlfriend's 40th - yes, got the book done, whew! Took photos and then my camera 'seized up'is how I'll put it. Now I can't get anything off the memory, even in another camera.

It's been a fantastic camera, it takes great pix too. So...no photos for this post! (Was going to add photos of the mini book.)

It's my last full day housesitting, I'm back home tomorrrow. Goodbye Newmarket. I enjoyed you. It flew so quickly. Where did the last 8 weeks go?

It feels like winter is over and spring is here already. I can't believe how hot some of the days have been. Winter has been short changed! Bring it back for a few weeks please!

Jumper still out hoping for cool change,
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